My Perfect Eyes: The Perfect Solution To Your Tired Eyes?

My Perfect Eyes: The Perfect Solution To Your Tired Eyes?

If you’re like us, you’ve spent spent this summer staring at beautiful people courtesy of Love Island. And as much as we love the show, it does make it easy to become envious of their smooth skin and flawless complexions.

Although still firmly in my mid-twenties, lack of sleep and hours spent staring at computers and phone screens are a regular part of city life, leading to dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. As a long term night owl and with a smaller beauty budget than a reality star, I need a solution without the price tag. So apart from going to bed earlier, layering on the concealer, or going down the route of cosmetic surgery, what are my options?

‘My Perfect Eyes’ describes its self as the bridge between masking the problem with makeup and Botox. The Australian brand has been voted #1 eye wrinkle cream by Marie Claire and become a hero on social media. Their claims even have the backing of leading dermatologist Dr Hugo Kitchen.

This high performance eye cream promises to remove wrinkles, fine lines and dark circles for firmer eyes in 60 seconds, with just one application daily. It is suitable for men and women of any age and the ingredients list a complex chemical cocktail  -sodium, magnesium and aluminium silicates, glycols and parabens to form an ‘invisible web’ under the eye, which both tightens and camouflages. It retails at under £40 for over 100 applications and is available from Amazon.

my perfect eyes eye cream

To apply:

  • Shake up the bottle and insure it’s no longer ‘grainy’ in appearance.
  • Put a pea size amount on the back of your hand and then apply to clean skin below and around your eye in a thin layer.
  • Rub this in gently so you can no longer see any of the cream.
  • Make sure there is no oil, moisturiser or makeup residue on your skin as this will leave a chalky effect.
  • Leave to set for 20 minutes and then you can apply an oil free moisturiser or foundation.
  • Make sure they are oil free as otherwise the effects will be diminished. I used Bare Minerals foundation and powder.

I applied this in the morning at about 8am. At first I felt a slight pulling sensation, almost as if the skin was being stretched but this died down as the day went on. Within 20 minutes the skin looked lighter and firmer and I looked more awake.  I didn’t notice any irritation which is a miracle as I do have sensitive skin, so its claim that it is suitable for all skin types seems valid. After one hour my ‘bags’ were virtually gone and the product was still working 16 hours on. I removed this as instructed with cotton wool and warm water.

Other uses?

I read about an alternative use on social media, that I was dying to try.

People were using the lightening effect to reduce the visibility of acne scars. This was genius! I followed the same instructions as before and applied a pea size amount to my scars and the redness faded dramatically. I would be more inclined to use this on a daily basis, for this reason alone.

The Verdict

The downside is that although it looks amazing with mineral makeup, when I’m going out for the evening I like to wear full coverage and this product does not blend well with those kinds of foundations.

Similarly not many of my moisturisers are oil free, so you have to adapt your skincare routine to suit this one product.

Taking 20 minutes to dry is not ideal when I’m in a rush in the morning, so I think I would save this product for occasions when my eyes need a refresh.

However if you don’t wear much makeup and go for a more natural look, this is perfect for you. Overall it’s good to see a product that make a noticeable difference and does exactly what it says on the jar!

A special offer £29.99 for the 100 application pack is available from their site.