So far I’ve mostly been focused on the ladies out there, so I thought in today’s blog post I’d do one for the boys! I like to call it my male makeover takeover! I know you’re out there, reading this blog and looking for some anti-ageing inspiration! There’s no need to be shy. There are plenty of blokes who absolutely LOVE My Perfect Eyes.
True story. We even had one guy come into the office, desperate to purchase a new bottle of our best-selling anti-ageing quick-fix, My Perfect Eyes because he’d just run out and had his best mate’s wedding coming up.
I love that the The Perfect Cosmetics range is used by men and women.
Before I give you the heads up on which products from our collection are best for male skin, I thought I’d run you through some essential mail grooming tips.
Essential Grooming Tips For Men
Maybe you’re not a man reading this, perhaps you have one at home who could do with brushing up a bit on his daily skincare routine! It’s never too late to really start taking great care of your skin. From beard oils that tame facial frizz to facial balms which can soothe male skin, men really are spoilt for choice when it comes to the new wave of products created specifically for them.
It’s not just about facial hair maintenance and skincare though. Once you fine-tune your grooming routine, you will definitely reap the rewards from having that XY Factor!
So here are 7 top grooming hacks for all you super fly guys (or partners of one!)
1. Don’t shave until after you’ve showered.
A warm shower will open up your pores and soften your skin making it much easier and safer to shave. There’s less chance of any unwanted nicks and cuts if you wait till your facial hair is softer.
2. Groom your beard and beyond. Take good care of all your hair.
Monobrows are a big no-no, and nasal hair never looked good on anyone! Invest in a good body groomer to take care of all those important de-fuzzing jobs while you are in the shower. The hipster look is currently in fashion so there’s no need to be clean shaven but a bit of strategic trimming or tweezing won’t go unnoticed.
3. Use Vaseline to fuse any shaving nicks.
Heading out of the door with a bit of toilet paper still stuck to your upper lip isn’t a great look on the morning commute! Try using a lip balm or some Vaseline to seal the blood flow from any shaving cuts.
4. Love your lips if you want them to be kissed.
Grab your toothbrush and use it to exfoliate your lips. Honestly, it works a treat. This is one that all you ladies reading can also adopt. So often we’re fastidious about our oral hygiene but neglect our lips. A quick rub with your toothbrush will slough away any dead skin cells. Get ready to pucker up!
5. Want your favourite scent to linger for longer?
We’re back again with Vaseline lads. What a multi-tasker that little tub is turning out to be. It works like a treat to bind fragrance to the skin. Rub a little bit of Vaseline on all your key pulse points then spritz on your favourite cologne remembering that less is more. That Jimmy Choo or Tom Ford scent you love so much will stay put all day long without being overpowering.
6. Feeling a little bit worse for wear after a boys night out?
They say the eyes are the windows to your soul and right now yours are taking you straight to hell on a one-way ticket! There’s no escaping the tell-tale signs of an all-night bender! Your eye bags are so puffy they’d give a hound dog a bad name! For an instant pick-me, Vin Diesel style, they’ll be Gone in 60 Seconds with My Perfect Eyes. You can wave goodbye to dark circles, eye bags, puffiness and wrinkles with our best-selling cosmetic quick fix.
Don’t let the word cosmetic put you off either. It’s undetectable but the results are pretty staggering. No-one will ever know your secret unless you tell them!
7. Don’t forget to keep your skin hydrated.
Even if you think you’ve got the skin of a rhinoceros, you haven’t, but pretty soon you might have if you don’t start using a daily SPF. We know that multitasking might not be your forte so that’s why we packed in as many active ingredients as we could into our My Perfect Day cream. It’s perfect for busy blokes who lead an active life and spend plenty of time outdoors.
Get into the good habit of washing your skin, especially post workout with our Amino acid based My Perfect Wash. It’s great for encouraging active skin regeneration, reducing scarring and soothing away lines and wrinkles. Plus, it won’t give you that tight feeling either.
Follow that up with My Perfect Day which contains active ingredients including Collagen and Argireline. It’s powerful enough to work on male skin and functions similarly to Botox. So if you are nervous about needles (and plenty of men and women are), then this could be just the product for you.
At The Perfect Cosmetics, we really do believe that good skincare and having access to hard working, results driven products is for everyone.
Question is? Do you have the XY Factor?